Arthritis Foundation, an advocacy group for sufferers of arthritis, has issued guidance on CBD-based products following a survey of 2,600 people.
The July 2019 survey showed significant interest in and use of Cannabidiol-based products amongst people with arthritis. Their findings echoed earlier industry data that indicates pain, one of the most challenging symptoms of arthritis, is the leading reason for purchase.
The group “are intrigued by the potential of CBD to help people find pain relief” but underline that there have been no rigorous clinical studies in people with arthritis to confirm this, and call on the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to “expedite the study and regulation of these [CBD-based] products.”
Arthritis Foundation point out that no major safety issues have been found with CBD when taken in moderate doses but caution that products may interact with medications and that CBD products should only be used following discussion with your doctor.
*Read their Report here.
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