Top 5 Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushrooms

Top 5 Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushrooms

An amazing medicinal mushroom that grows in the wild and is frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine is the turkey tail mushroom, also known by the scientific name Trametes versicolor. With a fan-like form and concentric rings of various colors that mimic a turkey's tail, it is renowned for its unusual appearance. Turkey tail mushrooms have grown in popularity over time due to their possible health advantages, and current studies have confirmed many of their traditional uses.

In this post we'll examine the top 5 advantages of turkey tail mushrooms and the rising popularity of this dietary supplement.

Boosts Immune System Function
Increased immune system performance is among turkey tail mushroom's most well-known advantages. It has been demonstrated that the presence of polysaccharides, which are present in this substance, increases the activity of natural killer cells and other immune cells that help the body fight against infections and disorders.

According to a research in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, breast cancer patients' immune system activity significantly increased after consuming turkey tail mushroom extract daily for 12 weeks.

Contains anti-cancer qualities
Turkey tail mushrooms have been thoroughly researched for their possible ability to fight cancer. It contains substances such polysaccharopeptides, which have been demonstrated to stop the development of cancer cells and improve the efficacy of chemotherapy.

According to a meta-analysis of 13 studies in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, turkey tail mushrooms have the potential to increase cancer patients' chances of surviving, especially those with breast, colorectal, and stomach cancer.

Aids in Managing Diabetes
Diabetes sufferers may also benefit from turkey tail mushrooms. According to research, it can lower inflammation in the body and improve insulin sensitivity to help control blood sugar levels.

According to a research in the Journal of Diabetes Investigation, type 2 diabetics who took a daily dose of turkey tail mushroom extract for 12 weeks saw a significant drop in their fasting blood glucose levels.

Supports Gut Health
Prebiotics, which are substances that feed the good bacteria in our gut, are present in turkey tail mushrooms. These microorganisms are essential for immune system and digestive system health.

According to a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, turkey tail mushrooms may have potential as a functional food for enhancing gut health since they stimulated the proliferation of good gut bacteria in rats.

Enhances Heart and Vascular Health
The health of the heart may benefit from the use of turkey tail mushrooms. It includes substances known as sterols, which have been demonstrated to aid in lowering cholesterol and lowering the risk of heart disease.

In rats given a high-fat diet, turkey tail mushroom extract was found to lower the levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, according to a study printed in the Journal of Food Biochemistry.


Is it okay to eat turkey tail mushrooms? A: The majority of people do normally regard turkey tail mushrooms to be safe. However, before ingesting it, persons with allergies to mushrooms or those with weaker immune systems should speak with their doctor.

How do I consume turkey tail mushrooms? A: Turkey tail mushrooms can be purchased in teas, tinctures, powders, and capsule or softgel form. Observe the directions provided by the manufacturer in the product label.

A: Can you use turkey tail mushrooms to ward off COVID-19? A: Turkey tail mushrooms may strengthen the immune system, yet there is no proof that they can prevent or treat COVID-19. During the hight of the pandemic people started making this claim and many people swear it cured them. We don't doubt this but studies have not been done to confirm it. 

Can turkey tail mushroom be used as an antibiotic replacement? A: Turkey tail mushrooms shouldn't be used, to replace anything a doctor has prescribed.